Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Turning Point

It takes courage to face such challenges in life. Its hard to balance, but if you tried hard enough and never give up to fate, you'll know that you have made choice. And that choice is the right one.
This turning point is my choice. The power of choice, the power of making it into reality is in my hands. I would back up and turn back now. A man gotta do what he has to do.
Its kinda absurd to have that feeling right now, especially when the lights are off, the streets are quiet and all with company of some lil droplets of water after the rain.
'm writing this now to commerate my high spirit. I'll let my spirit and motivation up, but keep it quietly low. I like this low profile thingy, but for now. Maybe that time hasnt come yet. But I can smell it.
I dun have to let u know when it comes, you will know yourself.