Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Attract Success
True Leader
Thursday, November 27, 2008
It just my sayin
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Shake it Off
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Truth of God
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Our Attitude Determines Our Laptitude
Monday, October 27, 2008
Chesnut Roastin on an Open Fire
Friday, October 3, 2008
"Tom is a great accountant, but his 'people' skills hold him back. I can't see how he'll ever be promoted unless he does something about it."
Many of us know people who have reached a certain point in their careers because they have excellent technical skills - but they somehow don't get along with team members, because their people skills lag far behind their other job skills.
This might be due to the insensitive manner in which they ask co-workers for things, the way they never seem to listen to what others say, or their intolerance for other working approaches.
Do you have colleagues like Tom? Or are you, perhaps, like Tom?
Workers with poor people skills can often find themselves in the middle of unnecessary conflict. This can be exhausting and stressful for all concerned, and it can destroy even the best laid work plans.
Many people are confident that they can develop new technical skills and knowledge through training and experience. However, there's a common belief that "you are how you are" when it comes to people skills - or "soft" skills - and that there's little or nothing you can do to change these.
Fortunately, this is far from true. And a great place to start improving soft skills is by developing the ability to empathize with others.
What Is Empathy?
Empathy is simply recognizing emotions in others, and being able to "put yourself in another person's shoes" - understanding the other person's perspective and reality.
To be empathic, you have to think beyond yourself and your own concerns. Once you see beyond your own world, you'll realize that there's so much to discover and appreciate!
People who are accused of being egotistical and selfish, or lacking perspective, have often missed the big picture: that they are just single individuals in a world with billions of other people (although, yes, this can be overwhelming if you think about it too long!)
If you've been called any of these things, then remind yourself that the world is full of other people, and you can't escape their influence on your life. It's far better to accept this, and to decide to build relationships and understanding, rather than try to stand alone all of the time.
Using Empathy Effectively
To start using empathy more effectively, consider the following:
Put aside your viewpoint, and try to see things from the other person's point of view.
When you do this, you'll realize that other people most likely aren't being evil, unkind, stubborn, or unreasonable - they're probably just reacting to the situation with the knowledge they have.
Validate the other person's perspective.
Once you "see" why others believe what they believe, acknowledge it. Remember: acknowledgement does not always equal agreement. You can accept that people have different opinions from your own, and that they may have good reason to hold those opinions.
Examine your attitude.
Are you more concerned with getting your way, winning, or being right? Or, is your priority to find a solution, build relationships, and accept others? Without an open mind and attitude, you probably won't have enough room for empathy.
Listen to the entire message that the other person is trying to communicate.
Listen with your ears: What is he or she saying, and what tone is being used?
Listen with your eyes: What is the person doing with his or her body while speaking?
Listen with your instincts: Do you sense that the person is holding something important back?
Listen with your heart: What do you think the other person feels?
Ask what the other person would do.
When in doubt, ask the person to explain his or her position. This is probably the simplest, and most direct, way to understand the other person. However, it's probably the least used way to develop empathy.
It's fine if you ask what the other person wants: you don't earn any "bonus points" for figuring it out on your own.
For example, the boss who gives her young team members turkey vouchers for the holidays, when most of them don't even cook, is using her idea of a practical gift - not theirs.
Practice these skills when you interact with people. You'll likely appear much more caring and approachable - simply because you have increased your interest in what others think, feel, and experience. It's a great gift to be willing and able to see the world from a variety of perspectives - and it's a gift that you can use all of the time, in any situation.
Here are some more tips for an empathic conversation:
Pay attention, physically and mentally, to what's happening.
Listen carefully, and note the key words and phrases that people use.
Respond encouragingly to the central message.
Be flexible - prepare to change direction as the other person's thoughts and feelings also change.
Look for cues that you're on target.
Key Points
Developing an empathic approach is perhaps the most significant effort you can make toward improving your people skills. When you understand others, they'll probably want to understand you - and this is how you can start to build cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Science Vs Bible
After the great flood, there were little food to eat for everyone. So God allow human to eat every moving creature that lives. Read carefully, that lives. Animal that produce milk, chicken lays egg, bird lays egg. These are the animals that lives. But at that time, human misinterpreted that meaning. so they killed the animals and made them food. The taste was good, and so man eating flesh goes on till today. From his fellow man God will require reckoning for the life of man, for we eat the flesh with its life.
We kill chicken when we want to eat them for the reason of pleasure. We eat and indulge in eating meat for the reason of satissfation rather than hunger. These overeating, cost us our life. Human died to cancer, strokes, heart attack and all cardiovascular related diseases for eating meat. It was proven in science. God already said, we cannot kill animals with life and blood, for He will take our life in return. So there really is retribution.
What do you think? Science and Bible says it all
Ta Da...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Top Food You Should Avoid To Eat
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Its What It Is All About
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I like to share
You are angry, frustrated, sad, and disappointed and that you take the whole blame upon yourself. Your emotion starts to take control of your rational. You thought of running away or quitting are the best solution. Unable to suppress and release your problems and disappointment in life, you unleashed your anger to people who cared for you. For you know that they don’t fight back. Little you know, you are drifting away from the very people who could support you. Some chose to live that miserable life by running away and making a new life. Some chose, live with anger without realizing the cause and effect and most have no choice but to go through it each and everyday of their life. And some take their toll by ending this miserable life by means, against God’s will.
You and I do not live this world alone. There many people in this world, of different races, ethnics, religions and colours, share this world; people of different shape and sizes, language, cultures and values. There are also people of different perspective, characteristics, unique behaviour and habits. You and I are one of them. I have my own unique. Though we speak the same language and eat the same food and of the same countrymen, but I am unique. You and I are not the same, I am unique, and so do you. It’s like fingerprints, we do not have the same fingerprints. We do however share common characteristics such as laughing when listening to jokes or eat when we are hungry. But you and I do not share the same idea that appears in our head. Uniquely, our subconscious mind we owned it, and we don’t share it
When I see the letter “A” I could see it in a different picture in my head. A letter “A” depicts more than just an alphabet to me. An “A” is like a symbol to me, associates to someone and in resemblance to his or her initials. But to you, an “A” is just a letter “A” or a symbolic object associated to a piece of art. And vice versa.
Both of us can only express our view, but we can’t change of what we are made of, because you and I are unique in many different ways. It’s a trademark. Be grateful for what you and I can change and tolerate what we both cannot.
Despite so, I have to tell you this secret. For you and I know what is good and what is wrong. It’s our commonsense. Otherwise, it would have been called nonsense if both of us cannot sense. I will always try change the wrong in me and I will constantly to tell you what wrong you’ve done to me. For I am unique and so do you. But if you condemned me for you don’t have the uniqueness that I have. I am sorry, I forgive you. For God has given me this great gift. God may not give you for you have the good things in this world, and for some reason you may have a different kind of uniqueness and please don’t condemned me, God work in His own mysterious way.
By condemning me, you are condemning God’s work. Can you see the picture? If you get rid of your greed and selfishness and worldly richness maybe you’ll see. Or maybe not
You and I are created in one being. We were born to this earth with reason. Whatever it is, you got to look into the mirror and ask yourself. Why am I here? Whatever difference we have, we all have the same goal. Do you know what it is?
I have found mine. Have you found yours?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
apologize for the grammatical, spelling, and puntuation errors in my blog. its intended to let viewer see my true being. i use small letter "i" to describe myself for i am not being superior than others. If I am superior, i wouldnt be here writing this blog. Thanks.
To Whom It May Concern
Go and look yourself into the mirror and see, if u are a true reflection of urself. dun be so cocky my friend. you dun know what r u gettin into. I try to stop u from doing all these, and that's the best that i could. if ur ignorant and ego overwhelmed u, so it be. i cant change for what u are. i am just doing my part and that's it, 'm done. the rest, i leave it to the merciful One. i warned you that good things dont last, bad things will come too.
To the selfish and the greedies
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
My moments captured in IA office, taken by Linda Kho
Those are the days when we were so happy working together.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Turning Point
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
My first public performance
I never have the intention but because the important person was not there yet, so being an MC i have no choice but to buy some time. Enjoy it...
courtesy, video was taken by Brandon Chan
Another one of my masterpiece
My masterpiece

In this midst of misty and misery,Gloomy as it see like a land with no place to be, i stretch forth my palms grasping the Heaven's dew above me,Descending as it binge from this grasps and cease beneath,Gradually as it slump and echoes a language of thrift.Never my compassion hence speak intuitive,Symbol of times of yore and signs of this attendance,Painted skies begin to fade its belief,That glow is a canvas of my sensation.What amble as i gape afar beyond this horizon?Lights shine ceaselessly and never dies,i long thus occasion to be upon me,To have wings that fly; to have heart that throne,Forlorn, passion night and day that never sighs.i plight this sight only tonight,Never worry what die i fright,Forsake my life only One might, my terms, Is not a decree,Nevertheless an emblem of this attendance,This day eclipse, Of solitary existence,In this midst of misty and misery.
Copyright ©2008 Jeffery Aaron Andrew
Monday, May 26, 2008
Back Then
I love superman. I climbed up onto my dad's drawer and threw the teddy bear up into the air and jumped at the same time to save the bear from falling down to the ground. I landed face first and tore my lower lips about half an inch. I yelled and screamed and the whole world listen. I was sent to the general hosp, and got 3 stiches. I was so freaking terrified with the needle and that i screamed louder. The whole level including 1st and 2nd floor listen!
From that day onwards, i knew i cant be superman
That's me
Rainy Day
i'll be right back...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Down the memory lane
Down the memory lane
About Me
The past is not for me to look back, but to remind me the mistakes, the right choice, the good times and the bad that I had been making and gone through. I felt that, 'm gonna write the past as a start for my blog before 'm gonna talk more on my present day and what i think of the future.
Anyway, here goes!~